Monday, August 15, 2022

Parentheses and Other Punctuation Marks Resources

Have you often wondered about the use of parentheses or have needed a clarification lesson on the topic? Well, here is a straightforward video demonstration, by Howcast. ~

Also, here are more punctuation resources. ~

What Is A Parenthesis & How Do You Use It? |

(This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.) 

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear - GOOD ~

Sunday, August 14, 2022

A Video Resource About How to Spot a True Friend vs. A Toxic One

Have you ever told a friend some exciting news about yourself, only to find that your 'friend' gave you no response except for a silent brush-off? Or, maybe, he or she unexpectadly went into negative mode? Did they somehow, find a way to belittle your accomplishment or minimize, what it was, that you were happy and excited about? 

In our hearts, we know, deep-down, what it is to be a good friend, as well as to have a good friend. Supportiveness and trust are key. 

On the flip-side, we may recognize someone who we deem as our friends as being oddly negative or dismissive, when it comes to supporting us and cheering us on. However, our desire in wanting to believe that someone is our true friend, may obscure the truth, if they contradict anything that resembles true love or friendship. 

We may dismiss the small, yet, obvious signs, that our so-called friend's, do not really have our best interest at heart. We may do this, because, it is easier to be in denial, than to discern and acknowledge toxic relationships. 

However, staying strong and true to ourselves is an indicator of self love, and the video posted below, is a wonderful way to be empowered in regards to tips on spotting supportive positive friendships, or toxic and untrue relationships.  

Fumi is very enlightening... and she gives a lovely and clear explanation, about what to look for when it comes to friends. ~

Also ~ If you can share your thoughts or experiences, regarding, toxic and true friends, that would be appreciated.

(This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.) 

When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People Thomas, Gary ~

Monday, June 20, 2022

Have You Deeply Pondered or Sort of Wondered About the Difference of the Words -- 'Wonder' Compared to 'Ponder?'

Hmm.. Just wondering ~

Perhaps, you too wondered about the difference in meaning, of the word 'wonder' compared to the word 'ponder' ~ and it is here, that I would like to share with you the comparison, by sharing this resource article that I have found: 

Ponder vs. Wonder | the difference - CompareWords ~

(By the way.. I am now wondering, if I should eat an apple or an orange. Tee hee, ha ha..) (Sorry.. Was just kidding, lol..)

So, what are your thoughts about wonder or ponder? Is the CompareWords article helpful with clarity? Or, did you already have clarity in distinguishing the difference between the two words?

A Wedding Day Make-Over that is Beautiful

A superb make-over~make-up application demonstration was made in the video, below. The lady in the demonstration is cute in the before-part of the demonstration, and she is stunning in the after-part; with her lovely eyes and gorgeous dimples. Such a beautiful smile, beforehand and after. Her features, accentuated superbly..

If you enjoy before-and-after make-up transformations, you may find the video demonstration to be awesome, too! 

Watch.. Enjoy! ~

An Unexpected Elegant Result ~ A Demonstration of Crafty Brilliance with a Toilet Plunger

If you liked your shop class and love crafts, you may find the video below, to be awesome! 

To take a simple object like a toilet plunger, and transform it for an finely crafted home decor decoration, is pretty unexpectadly amazing and brilliant. Do you not agree? 

If you watch the video demonstration below, you may get some great ideas for creating artful crafts, by using everyday practical and simple resources that can be turned into fine products of brilliance, also. 

Parentheses and Other Punctuation Marks Resources

Have you often wondered about the use of parentheses or have needed a clarification lesson on the topic? Well, here is a straightforward vid...